ACROLINK is a Japan based High End cable manufacturer.
Cables produced by ACROLINK, use self-stipulated 6N copper constructed using the same process as is used with wires for semiconductor devices, which requires a guarantee of high quality. More precisely, the purity of the copper needs to be over 99.9999% and the total of any impure metals must be less than 1 ppm.
Impurity metals in over 6N purity copper are measured mostly with highly precise measuring instruments called GD-Ms (GD-Mass), and this type of analysis work requires advanced know-how. Leading other brands, ACROLINK has disclosed to the public the analyzed values of representative elements that may affect sound qualities. These were selected out of the whole body of elements consisting of fifty or sixty items.
High speed, high response, powerful yet delicate natural direct sound and clear-cut indirect sound reproduction have now been accomplished, and these totally new sound qualities are going to be offered to all audiophiles.
Acrolink Cables available in Australia at Absolute Hi End.
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